Aim: investigation of the expression of spatial relations by children with SLI and normally developing children in their spoken language production.



  • 63 SLI + 24 controls


  • 56 boys and 31 girls, 5 to 12 years old, having Specific Language Impairment (SLI)


  • Tests: Raven, WISC (Block Pattern, Mazes), Peabody: SPSS data files; Photo/Film Task - audio recorded: transcript in Praat; data processed and coded in SPSS
  • Route Description Task - audio/video recorded: transcript in Praat; data processed and coded in SPSS
  • TAK Narrative Task - audio recorded: transcript in Praat; data processed and coded in SPSS
  • Frog Narrative Task - audio recorded: transcript in Praat; data processed and coded in SPSS
  • Link to the dataset at TLA:


  • 1st measure 13.9 GB, 2nd measure +/-13.9 GB (Photo/Film); 18.9 GB (Route Description); 1st measure 1.75GB, 2nd measure 1.46 GB (TAK); 3.10 GB (Frog); 1 MB (test and background data).